Viale Settembrini, 2
47900 Rimini (RN)
Kids are not “little adults” but distinct subjects, especially from the psychological and physical point of view (they are growing organism both biologically and emotionally). This is crucial when we focus on possible medical problem on our little patients.
Nowadays arthritic patients are pretty much demanding in maintaining a good physical status. Many orthopedic treatments have been developed and standardized in the last years. Among these: Intra-articular Injection of Cartilage nutrients (Jaluronic Acid) or growth factors (PRP) and Prosthetic joint replacement with mini invasive procedures.
Musculoskeletal trauma (fractures, dislocations, tendon lesions and deep wounds) is extremely frequent. In the past, casting and bed rest were the basics of all treatments. New surgical technique and rehabilitation protocols dramatically and positively changed the approach to these problems.
Correct diagnostic and therapeutic approach in bone and soft tissue tumors is the key for a successful starting in a – sometimes very challenging and demanding – treatment.
Pediatric Orthopedics Traumatology
Dislocations, Sprains, Specific Fractures and related Treatments (surgical or non surgical), Chronic Traumatic Lesions, Sports related Injuries. Late onset Complications of Trauma and its Treatment.
Adult Orthopedics Traumatology
Dislocations, Sprains, Specific Fractures and related Treatments (surgical or non surgical), Chronic Traumatic Lesions, Sports related Injuries. Late onset Complications of Trauma and its Treatment.
Pediatric Orthopedics
Pediatric Foot (symptomatic Pes Planus, Accessory Navicular, Bunions, Clubfoot, Cysts, Osteochondrosis), Valgus and Varus Knees, Limb length discrepancy, Scoliosis and non-surgical pathologies of the Spine, Congenital and Developmental Hip Dysplasia, Osteochondritis, Legg-Calvè-Perthes Disease, Pediatric Hand (Trigger digit, Polydactyl, Cysts), Infections.
Degenerative Arthritis
In any body district and its treatment (surgical or non-surgical).
Pediatric and Adult Orthopedics Oncology
Diagnosis and Treatment of Benign Bone and Soft tissue Tumors. Incisional Biopsy.
Adult Foot and Hand Surgery
Bunions, Hammer Toe, Trigger Digit. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, De Quervain Disease, Dupuytren Disease.
Marcello Zavatta, MD - Curriculum Vitae
Marcello Zavatta, MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Orthopedics and Traumatology Department
“Infermi” Rimini Hospital
Ospedale Infermi di Rimini
Viale Settembrini, 2
47900 Rimini (RN)
Tel. 800 004488
Ospedale Cervesi di Cattolica
Via Ludwig Van Beethoven, 1
47841 Cattolica RN